Is My Child Growing Well

Children come in different sizes and shapes. Though your child may be taller or shorter, heavier or lighter than other children the same age, changes in height and weight generally follow a regular pattern that is right for your child Children come in different sizes and shapes. Though your child may be taller or shorter, heavier or lighter than other children the same age, changes in height and weight generally follow a regular pattern that is right for your child.
Babies grow at different rates. 

Healthy Teeth For Children

When will my baby’s teeth appear?

From birth to 12 months

  • Wipe your baby’s gums with a soft, clean, damp cloth twice a day.
  • As soon as the first teeth appear, clean them at least once a day (usually at bedtime) with a soft bristle toothbrush designed for babies. Lay your baby on a flat surface or with his head cradled in your lap to brush teeth.
  • Avoid leaving your baby in bed with a bottle.

Colic & Crying

Healthy babies cry. It’s the way they express their needs and communicate with the people around them. Most of the time, you respond with what your baby needs: by offering food, helping your baby sleep, changing a diaper, or just cuddling. Crying is important for babies because they depend on other people to meet all of their needs.

Attachment – A Connection For Life

Why is attachment important?

Attachment is the deep emotional bond between a baby and the person who provides most of his care. Just as most parents feel a strong connection with their newborn after birth, babies also become attached to their parents. Attachment takes place throughout a child’s development, but this document focuses on babies.

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