Feeding your baby in the first year

Feeding your baby in the first year of life is an exciting adventure for parents and babies alike. It’s about development, nutrition, curiosity, sharing and learning. Attachmentalso grows as you go about your daily routine with your baby. You can help your baby develop a lifetime of healthy eating habits with the right start.


Breast milk is the best food you can offer your new baby. At about 6 months, your baby will be ready for other foods, but you can continue breastfeeding until your child is 2 years of age and beyond.

Risk & Responsibilities

Parents are responsible for their child’s health and well-being, including protecting them from vaccine-preventable diseases.If you choose not to vaccinate your child you should understand the risks. You need to know how to make it less likely that your child gets an infection or spreads disease to others.

Vaccine: Myth & Facts

Immunization is one of the most important ways to keep your child healthy. Vaccines are very safe. There are rarely reasons to not get vaccinated. Below are some common myths and facts about vaccines.

Vaccine: Common Concern

Many parents and caregivers have concerns about vaccines. Some are scared that vaccines will harm their child. Others are not sure whether their child really needs all the vaccines being given. Parents may also feel confused byonline information and comments on social media But the risks associated with the vaccines children receive are much, much less than the risks associated with the diseases themselves.

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